The Solution to All My Concerns: The Healthy Cupcake

I actually can’t even believe I’m considering this – it seems like a total oxymoron, doesn’t it: The healthy cupcake.

My boyfriend – he really is a sweetheart – has apparently been researching healthy cupcake recipes for me. He knows I’m obsessed and have been upset ’cause I ain’t getting my fill! “Cupcakes aren’t supposed to be healthy!,” I exploded when he introduced the concept to me, but you know what? It kinda makes sense. It’s like the best of both worlds!

I can eat my cupcake and have it too – I absolutely LOOOOOVE that. The only thing is – I don’t know how these things are going to taste. I – wait, no, my sweetheart boyfriend – discovered this site full of healthy cupcake recipes (my god, you can find anything on the Internet nowadays, isn’t it great? – and I’ve been scouring through the recipes and I have to say…it really doesn’t look that bad at all. Taste might be another matter, of course, but I’m adventurous enough to try!

Seriously, though, some of the recipes look like the real thing. But, with a totally healthy twist.

Like, check out this one:

cupcake blogLooks like totally delicious chocolate cupcake with strawberry frosting, yea?

Well, it’s NOT. Well, it is chocolate, but the ENTIRE cupcake is vegan AND that frosting has BEET JUICE in it. Yes, super healthy BEET JUICE. You know, that stuff that grows in the ground and is really good for you? – BEETS.

I know I’m typing in CAPS a lot but this really excites me. Like the possibilities are endless! I can be eating cupcakes all the time!!!

Oh wait, check out this cupcake too – this one is so incredible.

cupcake blog

This lovely creature here is a GLUTEN FREE banana cupcake with GOAT MILK frosting. How frickin’ awesome is that?!

I was wary of the whole “healthy cupcake” thing, but I am actually really excited about it now. It’s like it’s opened up a whole new world for me. I mean, here I was making the same cupcakes over and over again – and they were great, trust me – using the same ingredients with very little variation other than color and shape and all that jazz. When I could’ve been using and experimenting with ENTIRELY different flavors and ingredients.

I am incredibly excited to get my new healthy cupcake projects off the ground. I’m starting with the 2 up above as soon as I get my paycheck and can order some healthy baking ingredients off Amazon. Can’t wait!!!